What’s in A Name: The Origins of the Living MRI ™

What’s in A Name: The Origins of the Living MRI ™

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HOUSTON, TX. August 2024 

Thanks to the movie “Field of Dreams,” most Americans are familiar with the phrase “if you build it, they will come.” 

The saying took hold in pop culture largely because of its understandable logic: if you invest effort and passion into a project, it most likely will succeed. 

As a concept it might inherently be part of the DNA of any successful business that has built something unique or niche in the marketplace that draws deserving attention. That certainly could be said of the work of J. Flowers Health Institute, which in a few short years has created a model for highly individualized concierge healthcare tailored on results of the most thorough comprehensive diagnostic evaluations. 

Let us now propose another phrase that J. Flowers could get behind: “If you name it, they will find it.” 

Such is the case for the Flowers-trademarked “Living MRI™,” a term trending (and a practice now imitated) within the elite realm of concierge client healthcare. Living MRI™ is the catchy synthesis of the foundation of J. Flowers Health Institute’s lifesaving treatment for mental health, medical and substance abuse disorders.  

At J. Flowers, patient wellness begins first with a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation – an uncompromising, 360-degree whole-body/whole-mind patient assessment that results in an accurate diagnosis which was often a missed diagnosis or an incorrect diagnosis due to a lack of time, or information from previous providers. An accurate diagnosis allows for, if necessary, a proper treatment plan, and world-class treatment.   

“In telling people what we do – looking at the entire mind and body as part of a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation – someone once said it sounded like an MRI,” said founder/president Dr. James Flowers. “Because an MRI is the clearest picture of the body you can get, the name made sense: a Living MRI™. The name stuck.” 

The name is also now trademarked – a testament to the innovative approach to wellness that the J. Flowers Health Institute has charted. 

And it all began with what is now called the Living MRI™. 

“A roadmap to health begins with the clearest, most comprehensive picture,” Flowers said. “We really don’t leave a stone unturned. There is nothing we don’t evaluate; it is head to toe, inside and out.” 

While this may sound fundamental, it is increasingly rare in a basic healthcare system that is compartmentalized and uncollaborative. The concept of a Living MRI™ is the antithesis of current healthcare practiceslargely governed by a “silo” approach. These silos, or bubbles (the result of a highly bureaucratic healthcare system), often miss the big picture through uncoordinated, fragmented care. 

“The U.S. healthcare infrastructure is not built to perform in a truly comprehensive manner,” Flowers said. “There is no investment in a comprehensive program to evaluate the entire system. A silo approach captures only a fraction of the problem. And insurance is not set up to cover all the facets of what might be wrong with you. Getting the full picture is extremely rare.” 

At J. Flowers Health Institute it’s the norm. The institute’s intense, unparalleled focus on diagnostics is now being emulated in the U.S. and recognized globally within the rarified realm of concierge wellness.  

The pioneering team of health professionals is doing what few others can or will do to effectively treat those with chronic and hard-to-diagnose conditions.  

And it all began with what J. Flowers Health Institute dubbedthe Living MRI™. They not only built it, they named it. 

About J. Flowers Health Institute

J. Flowers Health Institute delivers unparalleled health care to executives, high-profile individuals, young adults, adolescents, and those with complex conditions. Our Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation Program uncovers the true source of any health issue and illuminates the most effective path to optimal wellness. The timeliness of our reports and diagnostic impressions allows the next appropriate level of care to begin promptly with a broad and deep understanding of the individual’s health and wellness.


Our multidisciplinary team of experts collaborates to deliver the future of whole-person health. We select the best providers and protocols from Western medicine, holistic health, integrative nutrition, sports medicine, and more that will help our clients reach optimal health. Our team’s coordination and collaboration offer each client a full continuum of care as appropriate for their unique circumstances.


Every client receives one-on-one support and personalized care. Our high-end medical facilities, access to the world’s largest medical campus, and private partnerships with exquisite hotels and spas ensure that we deliver an exceptional experience for every client. No detail is ever left to chance. Clients of J. Flowers Health Institute focus and heal in discreet comfort.

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