How Somatic Experiencing Can Unpack Trauma With Andrea Battle

Understanding The Human Condition | Andrea Battle | Somatic Experiencing

  In this episode, we sit down with Andrea Battle, a J. Flowers Provider and expert in Somatic Experiencing, to explore how our bodies hold and release trauma. Andrea breaks down the science behind this powerful approach to healing, and shares real-life tips for anyone looking to reconnect with their body and ease the effects … Read more

From Fear To Action: Understanding The Intervention Process With Marc Kantor

Understanding The Human Condition | Marc Kantor | Intervention

Interventions aim to impact the human condition by helping individuals see themselves as they truly are, rather than through the distorted lens of addiction or untreated mental illness. This process is challenging because their brains have been hardwired by years of substance abuse or mental health issues. Essentially, Marc Kantor is asking people to make … Read more

Back to school: Packing the Right Tools for Young Adults Taking on New Challenges

Back-to-school season is traditionally an exciting time of transition for young adults as they take on new challenges: school, job opportunities, friend groups.  

But it’s also a time that can be fraught and confusing as new risks and temptations confront the 18-25 age group whose emotional and physical development is still forming.