Concierge Home Detox

Bespoke Home Detox

Proper medical care for a cocaine detox is critical, as withdrawal symptoms can be very intense. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms often occur just hours after the last dose and can even happen with the drug still in the body’s system. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms may include: 

Restless behavior
Increased appetite
Trouble sleeping
Slowed thinking

Concierge Medicine

Bespoke Medicine for Better Treatment

In the mid-1990’s the idea of bespoke medicine was first introduced. This delivery model of medical care, often referred to as “luxury medical care,” allowed people to get direct access to their primary care physician for a fee.

The healthcare model of bespoke medicine offers around-the-clock physician access, same-day appointments, and comprehensive healthcare highly personalized to each individual. A service like this comes at a cost, but some people feel this more personalized and direct form of healthcare is worth it.

Problems with Insurance Coverage for Addiction Treatment

Problems with Insurance Covered for Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a diagnosable medical condition. However, the stigma associated with addiction can lead to insurance coverage issues for medical care and rehabilitation. Some health plans have financial incentives to deny treatment, and they may word health policies to misrepresent what is covered under the insurance plan.1 This runaround leads to people jumping through hoops to try to get coverage, which can be very difficult for someone who is already dealing with addiction. It’s common to face rejected claims, delays, or only being offered treatment far from home in this situation. Lack of insurance coverage is a common reason people won’t seek treatment, simply because their insurance plan doesn’t provide them with the means to afford care.